07 August 2008

what it means to break a heart, again.

I'm 24. Officially.

Monday was my birthday, and it was quite possibly one of the strangest birthdays I've had yet. I came home late, only to find a mountain of atrociously wrapped gifts piled near the garage door. From the ex-boyfriend I left behind nearly six months ago. Each gift had its very own card with an explanation of its significance. I'll admit, it was a nice thought, but it's all so very... awkward.

When I ended things back in February, he gave me the "I'm-not-giving-up-this-easily" line, a line I attributed to sheer dramatics. I cut all ties and hadn't heard from him since. And six months later, this grandsweeping gesture? From the same guy who forgot Christmas?

The things he wrote in those cards were exactly the things I'd wanted to hear...

But not now.
And not from him.


Miss Mar said...

too little too late? well, get anything good atleast?

Stephanie said...

Wow, that's really awkward..

a wishful thinker said...

I received $100, among other things. It feels something like a bribe. "Here, I got something for you. And if it doesn't convince you to come back to me, then how about this? Or this? Here, how 'bout cash?"

Seriously? :/

So@24 said...

It's a nice gesture... even if it might be a little late.

The cash part is a little odd though.