05 November 2008

"We all want to be somebody. Right now, we're just looking for the exit."

Wow. It's been a while. And a lot's happened, I guess.

We're getting a new President. "A Muslim African American in the White House." Really, though? Ha. The south is reeling, man. It's all a little ridiculous, if you ask me. Politics is politics. It's about the lesser of evils. We all have differing opinions of just how the nation should be run, and I'm not about to get on any soap box. [Racism is ignorance. I'll just put that out there.] And I hope that sooner, rather than later, the people of this country can accept reality, find a way to deal with it, and bridge this gap we've created.


So. Last week, I had two finals and finished both Geriatric and Maternal Nursing. AND I just completed my last day of Clinicals I --- in the nursing homes. I've got a final in Pharmacology I tomorrow, then we'll pick up Adult and Mental Health for the next few weeks. Plus, we're diving head-first into Clinicals II, and my first couple days will be in surgery. I'm... definitely nervous. But excited. I've got six months left until graduation --- if I can make it. Keep your fingers crossed?

By the way, I'm doing better. I'd be lying if I said I never think of him. I just finally realized that I couldn't keep holding so tightly to a mere possibility. I've been spending time with old friends and making new ones. And yeah, I'm doing better. Thanks.

Figured I had time for an update. Now I'm off to study --- as usual. Oh, and if you're in South Arkansas on Friday, I'll be working the drive-thru flu drive ALL day. Ha. With the expected turn-out of a couple thousand, I think it's safe to say I'll get a lot of practice. YIKES.


Anonymous said...

*crossing my fingers, eyes and toes* :)

Anonymous said...

Friends, new and old, definitely help! As do all distrations. You won't forget about him overnight. Yay for progrss though!

Anonymous said...

also, sweet underoath lyrics. good song.