10 December 2008

an update of sorts.

Wow, it's been a while. I guess a lot has happened lately. The short version:

- The 21-year-old son of a close friend committed suicide last week. There's been speculation and, of course, rumor, but no one knows what really happened - and I guess, never will.

- School's not going well. I'm tired. This is the last full week before winter break, though, and I'm hoping that after a month off, I'll be feeling refreshed and ready for Part 2.

- My best friend, the one who moved to Dallas - I miss her. A lot. My other "best friend" is on this boy-hating kick and hanging out with other boy-hating friends, ones with whom I don't particulary care to associate. And to be honest, she and I are so different from one another that it's nearly impossible to have a meaningful conversation. She's fun, but at times like these, I'm alone and feeling it.

- Last weekend was a good one. I went out with some new friends. [Apparently, the power of the beard is taking over, and I just didn't know it.] I met Joe-With-a-Last-Name-That-Is-Nearly-Impossible-To-Pronounce. Joe is Polish, and if guys like Joe are what Poland has to offer, then I've apparently been missing out. Highlight of my evening: "I know you're probably here with one of these guys, but I just have to tell you that I think you're beautiful." It's too bad, really, that Joe lives an hour away. Eh.

- I, too, have joined Team Edward. Yay for Twilight. Yes, I'm just that lame.

I've got a test tomorrow on both the circulatory and lymphatic systems... and like usual, I'm so unprepared. This should be fun.


Anonymous said...

hmmm. death, growing apart, beards, tests... sounds like christmas!

So@24 said...


Here's hoping things turn around