20 October 2008

Closure will come.

I can only wonder how long it will take you to notice.
This is done.


I'm not quite sure what made today the day. Perhaps it was the photo I stumbled across, you dressed as a pirate for Halloween, a smile on your face, surrounded by friends. Or maybe it was the realization that my best friend is soon leaving, and for the past few months, I've wasted precious time with her, with conversation about you. The reasons no longer matter, as today was the day.

I've been spending every day since June, wishing and waiting and wondering, unable to feel anything for anyone else. It's sickening, really. You, though? You've been piecing back together your life, as though I were never a part of it, and politely lying your way through each awkward moment. Perhaps I could stand to learn a thing or two.

I'm done giving you the benefit of a doubt. I'm done making excuses for you. I'm done building you up, only to watch my image of you crumble again.

As of today, I'm moving on.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. {{hugs}}

I've never had a friend move that far away from me but I can only imagine.

Anonymous said...

i can relate. moving on is hard when your heart was broken. especially when the other person has moved on like you were never of any importance to his life.

you have to let go and move forward. you can do it :)

Paige Jennifer said...

Babysteps, that's my mantra. And as scary as the big delete can be, it's always the right move. As the puffy sticker on my third grade binder read: Keep on truckin'!